Sunday, April 28, 2013

Six Reasons to Never Date Single Mothers


I was reading through the Don't Marry Archives when I found this gem you're about to read.  As always, I added my commentary free of charge... ;)


6 Reasons to NEVER date a Single Mother

Post by Older Bachelor on Dec 13, 2004, 7:40pm

Single mothers. Well, here are MY issues with them (This pertains to a woman who had a kid and never married, or divorced her husband because “She wasn’t happy”. If she had a good marriage and he died, there might be wiggle room, but I still wouldn’t date her).

1: She decided to have a kid without a husband. This demonstrates terrible, selfish values. It also shows that she thinks of men as sperm donors and child support payers, NOT husbands & fathers. What will happen if you knock her up? Get ready to pay up for a kid that you won’t get to be a real dad to.

That alone is bad enough!  At the very least, a single mom shows lack of good judgement; otherwise she wouldn't have had sex with a man with whom she was unwilling to have children.  They say that, unless you're willing to have CHILDREN with the person (after all, they are a byproduct of the sex act), then you should NOT have sex with the person.

2: In some states, you can be responsible for child support by just living with her. I don’t want to pay for kids that aren’t mine. Do you?

If you spend enough time with the kid and form a bond with him/her, the law may consider you a 'father figure', and therefore responsible for helping (i.e. pay de facto alimony) to 'raise' the kid.

3: False allegations of child abuse. It isn’t likely, but I don’t want to take that chance. Getting branded with a big “M” on your forehead (For Molester) will WRECK YOUR LIFE. It will never go away. Too big a risk.

What more can I add to that?

4: Relationship aren’t easy as it is. Add a minor child and it really complicates the issue. Do you want to deal with her kid(s) too? You won’t be their dad and they will know it. Their mom already fucked up their life by not having a dad for them, and is fucking it up more by bringing in “Revolving door boyfriends” into their life.

Man, isn't THAT the truth?!

5: Lots of single moms have financial problems. You will be obligated to help pay for sitters, food, braces, on and on. For children that aren’t yours. Get the credit card out!

I seldom get the credit card out for me; why in blazes would I get it out for some bitch and her womb turds-especially when said womb turds aren't even mine?!

6: There is NO reason to date one. Millions of women in this country are single with no kids, and in every age range. Go younger if you have to. Don’t waste your time with a woman that has PROVEN that she doesn’t want a husband for her and dad for her kids. Do you think she will change her mind for you? That she will forget her utter contempt for husbands and fathers just for you? Sure she will.
I run into single mothers once in a while, and when “I have a kid” is revealed, that’s the end of the conversation for me. I will be polite but I will still walk off, because I don’t want anything to do with them. And neither will any other smart man.

I don't know about this; this may be true, but I haven't seen many single, childless women my age or even close to it.  Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places?  I was a member of a couple of dating sites, and it seems as if the vast majority of women on there have kids.  Maybe that's why they're on dating sites in the first place?  I don't know.  All I do know is that, once you get past the early 20s women, that the vast majority of the ones I've met, seen, and know have kids.

Having said that, I agree that the smart man will NOT want to have anything to do with a single mom-not for a relationship anyway.  Perhaps a pump-n-dump or two are okay, but a relationship with a single mom is out of the question.


I thought that was good, necessary reading. My boys out there will encounter single motners; when they do, they need to know what to do-hit the 'Eject' button! This piece gives them sound reasons for doing so. Until next time...



  1. All you mentioned is true. The real thing that drives me away from single moms is having to deal with their bastards. I want to deal with her and her only, but unless her kids are out of the house there is a good chance that you will have to deal with a child or a fucking teenager. Fuck that. Single mommies are fun to fuck. They generally don't get enough of that so they're more than willing to do freaky things in bed, but other than that they're not good girlfriends and certainly not good wives.

  2. I couldn't agree more MarkyMark. Like you said it's hard to not run into single moms as you get older. The ones that kill me are the women in their 40s who have toddlers, talk about poor planning!!

    I have a vasectomy as back up, so I will entertain a single mother for a pump and dump, but nothing more. Hit it and quit it.

  3. Why would a man pickup the left overs of another man? That I can never understand.

    I would add a number 7: Single moms are more bitter, bitchy and angry than most other girls because they have it harder.

    and number 8 : All their energy is spent on their kid, not you.

    1. First of all, don't pretend you are a man. You are a boy. You write at roughly a grade 2 level and your reasoning is on par with that of 6 year-old boy. A man, a real one, doesn't need a woman to to spend all of her energy on him. He's grown up and self sufficient (not equivalent to selfish). He has other goals and interests and wants a woman who has that too. How do I know this? I'm a man...a real one. Grow up dude!

    2. Anonymous:
      quit pretending that you're a man -- you're either a skank pretending to be a man, a White Knight, or a mangina. You want to be a volunteer for the "Single Mom Skank Brigade'? Go ahead -- you'll have an interesting 'education' on how the Real World works now, and how everything in this blog is based on FACTS, not political doubletalk and PC wishful thinking (like feminism).
      And save the 'shaming language' -- IT DOESN'T WORK ANY MORE!

    3. Single mom's are good cooks and good cocksuckers but sooner or later that will stop and you get all the baggage and none of the rewards for your sacrifice. You will be a defacto dad with all of the risks and little reward...

  4. Hi my name is J. I live in Orange County,CA This is true. NEVER EVER date a single mother. They spent all their fucking attention on their fucking kids. I hate this shit... I am so sick of it. Especially dealing with the fucking father of the kid. They always need to communicate with each other. I hate it when single moms give us their Fucking attitudes. You bitches better stop doing that because we are the ones that have it difficult by dealing with a package deal. You stupid bitches fucked up in the first place and we are not responsible for your mistakes bitches.

  5. I would add to the list the following

    Number 9: Never make a woman number one in your life when the best you're going to place is behind her kids. Would she accept falling in behind two of your buddies on the list of importance? I don't thinks so.

    1. This is so true... they would steal your last kidney to feed their kids don't fall for morning blow jobs for the first week they will really cost you!

    2. Women have no problem stealing from you. Period. I know this from past relationships, and my mom =/

  6. My sister in-law is a single mom and she always rely on us especially to my husband (her younger brother). Sometimes their parents blame on my husband that he don't help his sister a lot on watching her f*cking spoiled brat son :\ WTF it's not my husband's responsibility and we are not responsible of her son. She was a dr*g addict for over 10 yrs and her scumbag dr*g add*ct bf got her pregnant and left her after she gave birth. She so f*cking st*pid because she knows that her bf has 3 other kids to 3 different women but she still f*ck that man and now she's bothering us to f*cking watch her kid so she can go get dr*gs somewhere. She has so many reason why we should watch her f*cking spoiled brat son for atleast 5-6 hrs often :\ F*CK SINGLE MOMS .... Go find a husband b*tch because i'm tired and sick of you taking advantage of me and my husband. Stp*d B*tch....

    1. So I’m a single mom. I’m 27. I am a Trauma Surgeon (aka M.D MEANING MEDICAL DOCTOR). So am I am trash or the crap you speak of?! I mean, I left my ex because he beat the crap out of me. I was on birth control and condom broke. Life happened. Obviously I make more money than most people ever will, I don’t rely on anyone else to take care or my child, I do it all on my own. It’s sickening. I get the situation she’s put y’all in. However, to say f***k single moms is interesting. What happens if you become prego, end up divorced and now join the single mom criteria? I mean all I’m saying is one day you may come into the ER needing this trash of a single mom to save your life. You don’t know all of our positions and you should watch what you say. I know KARMA all too well.

  7. Anon1525,

    THAT is a powerful comment! Thank you for your thoughts...


  8. The best laughs I get is when I read an online dating profile from some cooz who writes something to the effect of "You have to love my kids like I do in order to be with me." Some of these women are in la la land. And you usually see it from the better looking women. Just because you're relatively better looking than most women your age does not mean you're going to find a guy who 'loves your kids like you do'. And if you do find a guy who's stupid enough to attempt this impossible feat, he's going to be the most pathetic dude in the world with some serious psychological problems.

    Single mommies suck.

  9. Lol single mom here. Of course most of my attention is on my kid, and I rely on myself to give my child what she needs. She isn't a bastard because she has a dad and he does raise her as well. I don't expect a boy to live my kid as much as me, she isn't his. I have seen women give a long list of stupid demands like being a role model to their kids or doing family things really early on and that to me is stupid. And to the girl.with the sister in law, I would do that kid a favor and call CPS, a druggie mom should not have her kids.

  10. Wow!! No woman with ckass would ever date any of you douchebags!!! Im a single mom, probably make more money than any of you and am probably way out of all of ya'lls league. Have fun being alone and having sex dating ugly tramps!

    1. You don't make shit. Who wants you? Really? You got a ball and chain on your ass. Your not even worth this comment.

    2. So Doc, if I'm not even worth a comment, why did you make on in response to me, hmmm?

    3. It's not about being a douchebag, it's a simple question of natural selection. If we're involved with you, our resources and time are spent on another man's offspring, where we could better devote our efforts to our own offspring.

    4. Who wants to be a biological dead end?

    5. Natural selection. Now that's funny. Clearly that concept went awry with some of the posters here. You douchebags make laugh.

    6. No real man wants a single mom lol. Now go from nd yourself a beta simp white knight mangina to be a father to your shits

  11. Dear anonymous your income is that high. I didn't know food stamps and section 8 were that good.

  12. Who wants a women that has 1-2 kids, or more if the guy is single? That is so stupid. Why limit himself to a women that has baggage, before you know it , he will be taking the kid or kids to school,.and paying her bills.... And what happened to the Dad?..... The first thing that would come to my mind is : Is she a bitch or something? Did she drive him crazy?... And don't get me started on 2nd best, A guy will always be pecked as 2nd or 3rd, in a mothers life... First arguement, ...Your not the father , leave my babies alone.... other than that your vagina hole is so Big you can drive a truck through it. ...... Peace.

  13. I agree docwyatt, my sister is a single mother and is stupid, I cant believe that she got pregnant and had two children out of marriage, she seemed like she wouldn't do that and it upsets me that she did but she did!, personally I would never date a single mother either because of the baggage, its someone else's child not your own and because a lot of single mothers are up themselves, always saying about how they suffered during childbirth etc and how women have to put up with it (even though quite a few women dont have children ever).

  14. Wow, thats tha best answer for them. Single moms have gotten a life too and are not like the single hoes out there. Iam dating with a sigle mom of 3. Its the best experience i hav ever felt..i love her very much and she loves me too. We ar very much in love....doing a cougar thing u knw. Lolz Shout out to y'all single moms out there.

    1. You probably just started dating. In the beginning they will go out of their way to keep you they will give you seemingly unlimited sex, home cooked meals, and everything that you think you want in a woman. Then after a few months things start to change but by then you are to caught up in her life to realize that you are just a pawn. If I was you I would run now while you got the chance because once she is done you will have nothing.

    2. Either you just started date her or you're broke. In the beginning they try to make it seem like you got a good woman. The go out of their way by cooking, giving you seemly endless sex, and paying for stuff that man normal pay for. Slowly over time things start to change because no one can keep a lie going forever. Then one day you will wake up and realize that you made the biggest mistake of you life. For you I hope that it isn't to late.

    3. Get out while you can! Single mom's are interested in feeding their kids and making life easier on themselves... how many single mom's never sucked D everyday for the first month?

  15. What I cannot figure out is , :All the single guys on here?.....Why would you want some little fuckers running around , telling you, That is my Mommy , No shit ...... Then , the kids say.... Out Loud....You are not my daddy. .... Can you buy me this?..... You single guys just took on.... A ready made family..... Just bring your wallet... that is really all these single Hoe bags want.

  16. Yes right having seen a woman w 2 kids only 4 times since meeting earlier this year' I'm starting to wonder if she really is worth the time or hassle, I don't usually settle for solo mums but this one is different' we have so much in common. The pitfalls are she won't says where she works or what her occupation is, she's asking me weird questions ie. Do you smoke crack? I don't use drugs and my suspicions about her are strong. Shes never been married and my instincts r her previous bfs are sinister deadbeats. Single mums are very recluse. & what if I wanted to go overseas with her for a bf/gf holiday? We can't go if she has kids

    1. Straight up no nonsense answer

      Get the hell away from that girl...she sounds like she works at a strip club or escort agency esp if she won't tell you where she works. She sounds like she has more baggage than an A380s cargo hold can handle and her ex-bfs regardless of whether or not she is still in contact could pose a very serious personal safety risk.

      Dump her my friend go zero contact you cannot trust a female like the one that you have described.

  17. My husband had a friend whose name is Eric. He would come to our house and hang out with us and we'd drink beers together. Really a nice guy and he never had any kids.

    One day he came over and says he's got this girl he's going out with. I asked if she's got any kids and he said yes. I told him to run! Here in WA, you can get stuck with child support payments for a kid who is not even yours. Did he listen? Nope!

    It turns out that his girlfriend's sister was in the navy (Eric is in the navy too) and she decided to set her up with him. After all, he is a chief ($$$$)! Next thing I know, I see this poor guy gets stuck having to babysit for these bitches. Yes, the sister is a single mom too! She had a freaking newborn! They made him take leave!

    Last I heard he married this skank and has a daughter of his own with her. The wife got FAT too! I saw her one day at the commissary and she was rockin' the sweatpants and sweatshirt, all frumpy looking. She was no longer skinny and wearing her slut clothes.

    He is now in a different state but she is still in my area living in his house and I'm pretty sure he is living in some shitty barracks while shelling out serious coin for the house payments, etc.

    I told my sons, if they ever date a single mom and decide to marry them, to not bring them home to me and I won't go to the wedding either.

    1. That's a POWERFUL tale-ouch! That said, your comment buttresses the points I made in this post. Thanks for sharing... :)

  18. Why would a guy date a woman with a kid, and not only does she tell him her kid is #1 and comes before him, but these little shits say "You're not my daddy so don't tell me what to do!" This goes even if the idiot is paying for everything. And then if he tries to discipline the kid, the mom gets in his face and tell him to not dare touch her kid. And he still continues to pay for everything? Fuck that!

  19. Single mums, now here's my probz with them.

    #1: They are elusive and NEVER Available. Too much time lookin after the kids and NEVER any time for you and her to be together.

    #2: Why should I babysit your ex-BFs mess in x-change for sex?

    #3: A couple should be able to go for a romantic get-away out of town or overseas...when ya missus has a kid/s, this is absolutely impossible

    #4 going out on a simple date (movies, pub etc.) will be next to impossible cos you claim "I cant get a babysitter"

    #5 while im looking forward to the day I become a dad, I want to father MY OWN children not some other blokes (possibly a dead-beat, dole bludger, drug addict, jailbirds) mess.

    Despite my 33 years of age, Its Too much of a headache dating a chick with a kid/s. Id rather settle for chick studying or with a job & still livin at home with mum n dad than a chick on the DPB (In NZ its welfare payments for single mums in exchange for not getting a job cos there deadbeat one-night-stands done a runner).

  20. Get your facts right people ive been with my wife 12 yrs.she had 3 children when we meet so what

    1. You are considered what is called a "Sucker" . How did you get in that mess?

    2. Lol.never paid for the kids.wife actually earns more than me so has not bludged off me either

    3. You my friend are an evolutionary dead end.
      Hope you popped out at least 3 kids of your own with her.
      Other wise you get the Darwin award for most retarded human male

    4. Manginas pathetic smh.....

  21. I read these comments with interest...I wonder how many of you (the most judgemental ones) have slept with women and not used protection - so you could have a child out there being raised by a single mother. Truly disgusted by the attitudes on here, some women have had the rug pulled from under them and had no idea their partner would ever leave them - let alone if they got pregnant. All those single mums out there are dodging a bullet not having to put up with nasty arsehole like yourself :-)

    1. In the US 70% of marriages end after the wife files for divorce, not the man. I suspect sometimes the reasons are legit, but a lot of times it's a woman who "isn't happy" because life isn't a romance novel. And in the cases of the legit divorces, had the woman paid attention she either would never have married the "cheater", "deadbeat", "loser", etc., or had a child with him to put herself in the situation. That means that a guy who dates her later isn't responsible to pay off her divorce debts, and single mommy debts, as well as all the other issues mentioned here.

  22. Marie,

    WHY, pray tell, would a man forego protection when he could be on the hook for the next 20 years?! Secondly, with all the different means of birth control available to a woman (about twelve), if a woman gets pregnant, it's HER FAULT! Yeah, I said it; it's her fault! If a woman gets pregnant, it's because she wants to...


    1. i have read this blog and i must say that maybe the reason all of you men are single is because of your attitude towards women in general,not just single moms. and i wonder how many of you so called men were raised by a single mother??? and also, if your moms were single mothers how would they feel about some of the crap that you are spewing here? with any luck you will stay single and no woman will ever havee to deal with your selfish disgusting asses! just sayin LOSER

    2. Nice shaming language, Darlin'! How's about answering the POINTS I raised, hmmm? You haven't addressed a single one of them!

    3. Fuck you talking about bitch. I fucked and left so many single moms lmfao now I am with a young 25yr old girl with no kids and never married lol. Love it.

  23. I live in Orange County, California

    I am sick of single moms. I have fallen in the same fucking hole twice. Guys, whenever you run into a single mom, RUN AWAY no matter how hot she is.

    Here are my problems with single mothers.

    1. First of all they have fucking kids. They always will. You cannot change that. EVER ! You're fucked already and this is just #1

    2. The Fucking father is always around. Always texting and calling the mother about the kid. And they are always seeing each other because of the kid. (the ex. always sees hope) he enjoys being around

    3. No alone time. Always the fucking kid around. Always, especially if your not patient. good luck ! spending loud times with little johnny.

    4. Not enough sex. Always too tired because she will wake up the kids or too tired because of the kids/work

    5. Financial problems.- Single moms are alone and are always having money problems. Get the Credit Card out guys. They claim they are independent. bull$hit. They highly expect you to help them out. You are obliged to help out financially by default. Save up guys.

    6. Why pay and take care of another mans mistake?? Why raise A fucking kid that is not yours?? You won't be able to even discipline them especially if you have a bitchy girlfriend.

    7. There is a chance that their kid might be annoying as HELL !! either the kid fucking talks to much or can't stand still. Prepare guys.

    8. You will never ever love the kid like one of your own. NEVER. IT will never be the same.

    9. You will be forced to take little johnny out to chucky cheese and hear the yealling and screming. Be ready to CHEESE your pants! and start watching the princess and the frog movies and songs.

    10. When they meet you, they fucking trap you. At 1st the sex is so great and all the hanging out but when the introduction to kids come, your DOOM !

    Walk away and Avoid this mess. I have fallen into a big one. It is hard to get out boys. When you date a serious mom it is fucking serious. They will trap you and it hard to get out. I have been trapped twice guys.

  24. Run for your life, I got stuck 1 time too. These women get psycho when you try to break it off. They will follow you at work, cry for no reason, and call the shit out of you. Stalkers.

  25. I find it interesting that you suggest that one should not have sex with someone they don't intend to breed with and then further down on your list you advocate a "pump and dump" or two.

  26. WOW, "terrible and selfish", you're really pre-judging women on their previous relationships? How would you know who she had a child with? Maybe someone raped her, and she ended up getting pregnant, and decided to keep the baby. Who gives you the right to judge/shame another female for being a mother. If these are your sincere "reasons" as to why you should never date a single mother, then you've got some pretty lame excuses.

    1. The majority of single moms are not there due to rape, or widowhood for that matter.

      Honestly, harsh as they are presented, the reasons are justified. I've dated several single moms (no more), and its been a consistent experience. Each relationship has had varying degrees of the issues here: sometimes it was more single mom didn't set boundaries for their ex and was deep in debt. Other times it was obvious I would be a wallet, and the fifth in priorities (often behind even the exes needs). But there was always a multitude of drama, debt, undisciplined kids, me being "a wallet" only, that wouldn't be there with someone without kids.

      Many of these same problems would occur if you're a woman dating single dads - although often the dads don't have but part-time custody, so you may not deal with the kids as much. So any women on here insulting the concepts should give a few single dads a try, and see how you like all your resources going to children who aren't yours, not having more kids because he already had his, being last priority but expected to make him and his kids first priority.

    2. the bast majority (95%) of single (never married mothers) got pregnant because they showed at the very least lack of good judgement, they got shit-faced drunk and slept with some dead-beat dole bludger bozo whose a few days out from being sentenced to prison for stealing cars and liquor. Now where i live we have welfare payments available to single mothers, my taxes are paying for these ho-bags to leech off society and not get jobs on the pre-text "they are raising children". Listen Up - While im happy to contribute my taxes to help widows, invalids and the sick, I Aint paying my hard earned money just so you can watch fucking Jeremy Kyle all fucking day, smoke drugs and drink a box of Codys alco-pops then go sleep with some emotionally unavailable bozo with the expectation he will become "captain save-a-skank" so repeating the vicious cycle.

  27. How are the good, solid objections I raised lame? Also, what about the fact that single mothers who were rape victims are the very rare EXCEPTION? The fact is that the vast majority of single mothers got knocked up by bad boys who got their panties wet-end of story. The fact that I had the temerity to raise that is what offends you.

  28. I can't believe that in this day and age men still talk about women like that. I'm disgusted. Yuck! I'm not single mom, but I do have two boys. I sure hope they don't turn out like any of you. Yuck again! I want to gag. Please tell me, how did your mothers raise you? I don't want to make the same mistakes.

    1. Not dating a single mom is simply a self preservation thing for men. How is that disrespectful?
      Would you really advise your sons to get into a situation detrimental to them in the long run?
      How our mothers raised us has no bearing on the fact that single moms are looking for a meal ticket.
      Your shaming language won't work here

    2. Children's aid should take your boys right now. You are a mother you should know what a women would do for her kids... they would suck dicksoup every day and lie and steal..

    3. What about single mothers who cheated on their childs father?
      Yeah thats me, fuck trifiling bitches playing victim and shit
      Makes me sick, talkin about men who do shit, yeah women shouldn't trap men and shit.
      Fuck single moms, there i said it

  29. I am a single mother, and I have 4 children (2 are grown now, 2 are minors). 3 children are from my marriage of 17 years. My marriage deteriorated after the birth of the 3rd child when my husband lost his job and took up drinking - heavily. I tried to hold it together for 5 years, but he never stopped drinking. And then the other bad behavior started to - when I finally asked him to leave his now wife helped him move out of our home. My 4th child is from a 3 year relationship that ended 3 days before our wedding when I found out he was a con man who lied about absolutely everything - including being sterile from cancer that he never actually had (thus the child we have). I had never met ANYONE who could lie so convincingly like this person. His entire family knew what he was doing and didn't tell me the truth either and helped him cover his tracks on many things to keep me in the dark about what he was. If I had known the truth, I would not have a child with this man period. None of my children are from random one night stands. I did not "choose" to be a single mother. It is sad that there are sites out there like this that advocate abusing single moms by the "pump and dump" theory - because really how many lies are you telling her to get her in your bed? I know several single moms this has happened to - so what does that make YOU?

    1. I'm sorry about what happened to you. That said, this post was NOT targeted at you; it's targeted at the vast majority of single moms who take up with the worst jerks they can find, and who have children by said jerks. These women comprise the majority of single moms. Though I don't condone pumping & dumping anyone (including women like this), I don't blame any guy who does.

    2. So who is this chick going to date now? Cry your sob story before you out something in your mouth and see if you are a typical single mom

  30. "You are not my dad", she said. All I was trying to do was suggest she drink orange juice rather than fanta. It took a while to sink in, I stood up, walked to the counter, paid and walked out of the restaurant.

    When I got home I realised the impact of those words. The 6 year old was right. I wasn't her father, so why the fuck should I be even in a situation to pay for her shit?

    In most cases, these single moms would have been told by the ones closest to them that their bf or man is a no good cunt. But it was "they don't want me to be happy" or "we have something real". Fast forward a few years, a poor schmuck described as a "real man who can handle a single mother" winds up with her.

    Only to be told, "YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER".

    You want to raise another man's Cum? Fucking adopt.


  31. The thought of paying to raise another mans meatball is revolting.

    In some cases the girl gets pregnant by some bad boy, he does a runner.... And then the nice guys that were rejected beforehand, are now sought after to step in and save the day.

    The badboys plant the seed, and then they want the nice guys to raise and pay for it.

    I can appreciate its different for widows and divorcees... but some girls get knocked up by some deadbeat guy.... and the kid is a permanent reminder of him.
    When the kid acts all naughty and hyper.... Remember it has 50% if his genes.. So you'll have your hands full!!

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  33. Single mothers are like the F students in the classroom of life. And yet they are the most selective as well. Only a brainwashed society, would they be taken seriously. And they are, so what does that tell you. Wanted to let any former members of MGTOW Forums know that there is a new forum for ex-members (and anyone else in MGTOW) - Going Your Own Way. RIP MGTOW Forums.

  34. the tao of badass
    Clued-up post! Your accepted wisdom is great. Thanks for keep me notify. For more information I will be in touch.

  35. I date single moms cause they are easy to get in bed. I would go to the club and they approach and start conversations and shit. I dont have kids and in the military too. They think im going to replace their dead beat baby hell to the no! I make it abudantly clear that no relationship is going to build and they we are having fun. i wear a condom every time and even pull out when i come. I would say im my experience that the majority of single moms i fuks with messed with the loser thug who had killer swag sold drugs and dropped out of elemetary school. then he was like im going to be a rapper got busted for selling drugs and now wants a barak obama. Always go by this rule FIND EM, FUCK EM, FORGET EM

    32, single, no kids, never been married, mechanical engineer, military, i aint no fool. dont let these hoes fuk up your money. PEACE!

  36. I don't even look their way. The single Moms where I live, are fat, overweight. and usually with a Bi- racial kid. The white Mom has a raisin kid or kids. So now if i were to date her, in public , people will see the kids, OH Oh look those 2 kids are not his kids, This white guy me, must be a dumb ass. Let me just hand over my wallet to you, and wait, my 401K , let me put that in your name, also, instead of direct deposit, let me just direct deposit in her account. No pussy on earth is worth this.

  37. Dating single mothers? its just a bad idea!
    and as for dating single mothers who have kids because they were raped ?(as rare as it is) There is NO way to tell how much psychological,mental and emotional damage they have!!!!NO WAY! Just say no!

  38. Excellent article! I almost took a single mom (and her two teenage boys) out to lunch but refused a few days prior to the date. Later yesterday, I felt bad about doing so, nevertheless, I read this article and realized I have made the right choice. In fact, she had even chosen a fine Italian restaurant to go to and I would have ended up paying $100 for four people. This article may seem a bit harsh to many, but it's true. Thank you for saving my $100 and for posting this!

  39. Rahul,

    You're welcome! I'm just trying to perform a public service...


  40. Agreed. There are many single mothers who hold down jobs and work very hard bringing up their kids right. However, fact is they goofed up in the first place. The other side of the story is the sorry assed scum that got them pregnant in the first place; those shits should be put in work camps and made to pay for bringing those children up.

  41. I got involved with a born again, bisexual single mother. The relationship was always being disrespected and interrupted by "friends". I have to agree with other posters, in the beginning she seemed perfect, sex all the time, with lots of transparency in the relationship. But I was just a pawn that she was using to play with everyone in her life, and she had had other plans she used to manipulate me. She would make it seem like I had to keep investing more time and money to please her. They are manipulative, they are cheaters, they are not sincere. As men, we should never settle , if the women wants to attach strings to everything and she is not making an attempt to make a commitment on a daily basis let her go. Bottom line, better know the woman well before you open up to her and give her your confidence and commitment.

  42. Here is one for all you guys. I was stupid when I was younger and dated a girl, never even told me she had kids. When I dropped her off at her moms house, I see 2 kids at the door, I said who's are they??, a 3 and 4 year old. Also, she got drunk and told me she had a gang bang with like 4 guys last year.
    When I hear this , she may as well have kicked me in the balls and took my manhood away. I got up walked out and never seen her again. Changed my phone # What a waste of time.

  43. met a single mum who i really liked and she told people she liked me before i had said anything. really pretty girl . anyway it was incredible honeymoon period was great thought it was it so did she.... never minded the kid 3 years old loved him was jokes. anyway as months went by we spent alot of time at hers with her mum living there and it was aparent the mum was completely nuts. always causing trouble nagging both of us, physically verbally abusing her daughter and verbally abusing me. i stood by and said nothing for months and months. my GF had a past too ... many broken failed relationships and the whole thing was rubbed in my face a few times by her environment. there was also an element of "i coudl do better, like they were from a lower class" and it was obvious to her i thought this. over this time i went from a gentlemen normal to resenting her angry depressed. one minute loved her as she tried so hard but then the next resenting them. She put up with alot of anger form me and bad comments... by the end i was so wound up i said bad things and we broke up. we both agreed... went from soulmates to this... anyway i regretted it but she had the knife out for me and ignored me and casued so much trouble for months and generally behaved horribly heartless.

    what a turn around... the point here being the baggage was unbeleivable to deal with , completely aggrivated me ... couldnt find myself anymore and was questioning my sanity. anyway always miss her and the boy but i realise that the jeremy kyle style environment was just too difficult to take on and its infectious.

  44. I don't think any of you little boys have anything to worry about. Yes, there are some women out there who are leeches, but the really good mothers out therewho also happen to be single wouldn't give any of you pieces of crap the time of day. Good moms dedefinitely don't want some ignorant, foul-mouthed prejudice male in her or her child's life.

    Yes, some single mom's are single moms because they made a poor decision. I'm one of those. If you sit there and tell me you've never made a bad decision in your life, you're a damn liar. At least the good single moms out there step up and take responsibility for their actions. I pray that my son doesn't grow up to have the crappy mindset of you immature boys who have nothing better to do than bash single moms.

  45. I love how every woman who posts against this uses the same exact tactic : shaming language, never addresses ANY of the points of the article, takes things immediately personal (which is a sign of low IQ, reacts like a wild animal), never states any facts.
    Fortunately for me, my dad is an alpha male and my mother is a great woman, so as you can see I didnt grow up with mental problems. My condolences go to all those bastards who will be raised to be future manginas or criminals.
    FACTS: I dated two single moms the past year. The first one, the ex dad was ALWAYS present in some form. Of course she tried to trap me with sex but I didnt even bother after learning more about her baggage.
    Second one, same shit.
    So, I have dated two single moms and they meet almost every point made in this article. Facts people, facts.

  46. Walk away boys. I am currently suffering from the same shit. Those bitches just fucking trap you. Those fucking tramps. The worst thing you stupid single mums can do is give all the fucking attention to your fucking bastards! Always about little Johnny. Don't you bitches know its Fucking annoying??????????????????????????????????????? You fucking whores. We will not be responsible for your fucking mistakes you bitches.

    1. I'm sorry I took your mom's attention from you ;)

  47. Not all single mothers are the same. Some are really good and kind hearted you just have to get to know her on a deeper level and stop judging her because she had a failed relationship, or two. We all make mistakes..Right?. Also, did you ever take into consideration that these women who you all have complained about were CRAZY before the kids were even born lol?. Having a child does not change a persons personality. So don't judge ALL single mothers based on those wonens actions. Those women had problems before they gave birth to their kids haha. Also, I know a lot of women who will use and abuse a man and their childless. If a woman's going to LEECH she does not need a child to do it.

  48. Any man who has fathered a child whom doesnt currently live with them; should be avoided at all costs. All you single and childless ladies out there should be aware and avoid deadbeat fathers. Yes these men claiming to be single when in actuality they have fathered children that they do not care for. 40 % of all households in America are being raised by single moms; so really whats happening is men dont want kids. They dont want their own kids and they dont want another mans kids. And actually there are hundreds of gay men who are trying very hard to adopt kids. They dont care if its their blood or not. They just want to raise kids in a loving environment. So once again...all you childless and single ladies should never ever date a man who has fathered a child (and isnt with the kids mom; obviously you should never have sex with a married man either). The bottom line is this:: MOST STRAIGHT MEN IN AMERICA DONT WANT KIDS...REGARDLESS IF ITS THEIR CHILD OR NOT!!!

    1. Most straight American men want women who have abortions or are barren and cant conceive babies.

    2. Yes please, fixed or abortion friendly and morning after pill on hand just in case. Kids, mine or yours, no thank you. Waste of time and money.... freedom is better. All my siblings have children and all are jelous that i dont.

  49. I'm so glad I found this post. I can relate to all of this. I began dating this single mother a little less than a year ago. I'm 34 & she's 22, have a career & my own house. Been in a couple LTR's but never had kids bc I just wasn't ready at the time. Here's what gets me angry. These women have zero logic. As for myself, I'm not gonna get some bimbo ditzy good for nothing bitch pregnant & want her to be the mother of my children. Yet these girls are attracted to some bad boy, deadbeat, living at his mom's house smoking crystal meth, no job pants saggin, no goals or education whatsoever & they sleep with him, let him nut inside & go thru with the entire pregnancy while this idiot is already out of their life. They coulda used a condom, birth control, next day pill or even abortion but NO!!! We men are selfish for thinking about ourselves & women like this? Please, selfish is having a baby bc you feel u need one for whatever is lacking in your sorry life. Having a kid without being married & no father around what do u think is gonna happen. That kid is gonna be in his bed every night wishing for a dad. Then these stupid girls now want the nice guy. The guy with goals, the guy that's gonna treat them right, the guy that's gonna be a provider & husband & role model for her children. WHY THE HELL should any man spend all his time & money on some Bastard kids that aren't his own??? They will never treat you like you're the biological father & you will never love them like they're you're own. Why put yourself in that situation?? It took me so long to come to my senses & I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I started dating this girl at work. Found out she had 2 kids & right away told myself I'm not gonna get serious with her. She had a kid at 14, kicked out of her house & so called boyfriend at the time got her pregnant & the nurse at the hospital talked her out of an abortion bc she was crying & scared. Then at 19 is in a relationship with some dead beat who smokes meth & she was probably doing it as well. Ends up getting pregnant & thinks she can change this dumbass. He ends up leaving & now she's stuck with 2 kids in her early twenties and no father around for these kids. We start dating & the entire time her kids were always at her parents house. Months went by where it was just us. She'd always come over to my place without the kids, at one point I almost forgot she had kids. Then as time went on she would bring up all this baby daddy drama & then she'd start talking about her kids & how they need a dad. How she wants someone they can look up to & will be there for them. I even tried convincing myself I can do this. What the hell was I thinking??!!! As soon as I started to tell her I don't think this is what I want she went crazy. She blew up my phone repeatedly, all hours of the night, showed up to my house & would not stop knocking, climbed over my fence to get to my bedroom. And if I did let her into my home she wouldn't let me sleep at night with her crazy anxiety disorders & cry & wanna talk til 4 am when I gotta get up at 5 to go to work. She even told me I have everything to gain & nothing to
    The more I pictured these kids running around in my house having tantrums & me paying for everything like an idiot the more I came to my Damn senses. I have absolutely no desire to raise some other man's offspring, act as a step dad in my own house & not come first. I will never again put myself in this kind of situation ever. It's just not worth it. Any man that has self respect and values himself will not do this. It's sad because she had an amazing personality & was a lot of fun to be with. Just couldn't get past the kids.

  50. The minute I woulda moved her in with the kids everything would have changed. If it wasn't for the multiple YouTube vids about this subject and this blog who knows what I would have done.

  51. This subject always gets the same comments. Normal logical people run from single moms for all the normal logical reasons and then skanky single moms post cry baby comments thinking they actually change anyones mind.

    Women have a greater burden of thinking before having children. Nature took care of that because women also control the sex. So ladies .. control yourselves and dont pop out kids with the wrong guy. Its YOUR OWN DAMN choice every step of the way.

    Any women who finds herself in the mess made the mess. No matter who comes next at some point she will want him to clean her mess. End of story.

  52. 100% true. NEVER EVER date a single mother. I dated my first one for 5 weeks and it was good in the beginning but WOW did the bullshit surface fast and hard.

    The woman played the victim role. She was an alcoholic and didn't tell me.

    Her ex was an insanely jealous deadbeat junkie. Thank god I never had to deal with him but he harassed her and she was angry and projected it on me.

    She thought she was still hot shit and complained I was cheap! She told me she could get anyone she wanted and I should be lucky to be with her. Even though I got her a brand new IPhone for Xmas and 200 bucks to gamble with she complained it wasn't enough.

    She had 2 baby girls, 1 and 3 yr old. They were good kids but the 3yr old got jealous when her mom tried to cuddle with me.

    I was a perfect gentlemen to her and tried my best to make it work. We discussed plans for the future and I was looking to get a new job and move closer to her but she constantly complained that I was unemployed at the time.

    When we argued she put me on speakerphone and tried to put words in my mouth and say that I said messed up stuff that I never said.

    She got mad that I slept a lot but I was dead tired because her kids kept waking me up 6x a night!!!

    She had a lot of audacity and was not a very intelligent woman.

    I had enough after the second fight and just ended it nicely.

    The sex was good but not nearly as good as she thought it was.

    She was a bad decision maker. The only thing that kept me in it was that she claimed to be very well off financially and did run 3 businesses but all the energy and time she had was spent on her job and kids and she acted like I didn't give her enough time.




    I was never a priority even though she expected me to SAVE HER like superman.

  53. 90% of the time a single mom will screw you over some way. I also noticed that they can't take responsibility for anything they do, as if they feel entitled or something.

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  55. Just got out of a short-lived relationship with a single mom and feel like I have dodged a bullet.

  56. Don't date single mothers, gents. Oftentimes, these women had a decent husband and bio-dad for her children, but she "wasn't happy" and then got batshit crazy and crucified the husband in family court, destroying his life and her child(ren). It's selfish.

    And now the selfish bitch thinks she can be "happy" with another man? No.


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  60. This post is COMICAL!!! 27 year old single mom here! I also am a TRAUMA SURGEON...yes as in in a DOCTOR. So my situation was horrible. My ex cheated on me(which I didn’t know until I was prego with his child) and he beat me horribly. I finally left him. We always used protection and I also was on birth control. However condom ripped and the birth control I was taking was recalled months later for failing in protection. I did not set out to get pregnant. I thought I was protected but it happened. Here’s the thing....not all single moms are as you describe. You can look up my salary...I make most than most people ever will. I support myself and have my ex every opportunity to be in my kiddos life. I also don’t “need” a man for any of those reason you stated. My issue is your ignorance. I believe I deserve love as does everyone no matter what. Now what happens if you get married and divorced and you then become single mom or dad? Karma happens..... so you mean to tell me, I don’t deserve love when clearly I am not any of those things per stated in your post? I put my man and my daughter at #1. I don’t have baby daddy drama and would never go to that POS. The responses on this thread is nothing but bitter people flinging anger on the internet because it’s much easier to bully behind he keyboard. Now wouldn’t it be funny if you came to my ER needing this stupid single mom to save you?! Obviously you don’t know anyone’s situation, you don’t know what happened, and you don’t know all of us single moms. I obviously am none of those things. All I’m saying is this is ignorant and irrelevant.....grow up dude!

    1. Ma'am,

      I never paid close attention to this blog, especially in recent years; hence, I just saw this.

      One, if your story is true, I'm sorry for what happened to you. Two, if your story is true, your case is a rare exceptions to the rule; your story isn't true for the vast majority of single moms out there. My warning applies to the vast majority of single moms. Thanks anyway for commenting.
