Saturday, December 31, 2022

I'm Back-For Now...


I want to say hello again, and to announce that I'm back-at least for now, anyway. I took a hiatus because I was busy with other things, and I didn't have anything more to say. I just reopened my blog for public access-at least for now. How long I keep the blog open or even up at all, I don't know; I'm not making any promises. It is up for now. SO! If you want to copy and save any posts, get while the gettin' is good.

This is the companion blog to MarkyMark's Thoughts on Various Issues. I won't making regular posts here. I'll only post something that pertains to MGTOW making their way in this crazy world with as little difficulty and drama as possible. That's all I have for now. Welcome back, and happy new year!
