Monday, September 9, 2024

How Child Support Agencies Really Work from an Insider


This post was originally written by JayJet on the Happy Bachelor's Forum back in 2011. JayJet used to work in a child support agency. Though he wasn't an agent or collector (IIRC, he worked in IT), he has an insider's view which is invaluable; he knows how these agencies operate, think, and act. For men who are going their own way, this is MUST KNOW material! This is necessary to the MGTOW's survival, which is why I'm running it here as well as in my main blog, MarkyMark's Thoughts on Various Issues.

I meant to run this much sooner, but I never did. Though this was posted back in 2011, it's just as relevant today, if not more so. We live with Marriage 2.0, and women file for 70% to 80% of the divorces; that figure increases to 90% if she's college educated. This is a WARNING to you, Fellas! As Joshua, the computer, said in the 1983 hit movie, "Wargames", marriage is a strange game; the only winning move is not to play. Below is JayJet's post about child support agencies.



I'd like to take a few moments of my time to share with you a perspective that you A)won't be entirely surprised by and B) might be beneficial to a few of you who sport rose-colored glasses.

My current employment is with a Child Support Agency in a large state. I've been working there for a few years and in that time have picked up on a few things. I was a caseworker for a very limited time until I was promoted to another position where I don't have direct contact with the public or access to their information. My message is not to share with you tales of woe(of which there are many) but to instead give you some insight into the culture of agencies such as ours. I hope that as a happy bachelor many or most of you can remain so without ever having to darken the door of these places. My experience is my own of course so what I say here may not be the same amongst all child support collection agencies.

Here's what I've learned:

1. Child support agencies are not instinctively anti-male. They are however INDIFFERENT to males. They are indifferent to your suffering, indifferent to your pain, indifferent to the costs or whether or not you got screwed in your divorce settlement. Your cupcake decided to go on welfare and she named you as the father. They don't care how you make your payments to HER or what she does with the money once she gets it.

2. Child support agencies have staff that is largely female. Mine is upwards of 85%. As a result, individual women who are there to answer your questions (customer service) will not be sympathetic and even if they are must follow strict policy/procedure for NCP's (Non Custodial Parent-i.e. YOU). Meaning your rape will likely continue until your ass bleeds out.

3. Management in CS agencies ARE true believers. This means that when it comes to policy they see themselves as guardians and enablers of the system. They don't care for your MRA/MGTOW bullshit. It means nothing to them. "Just pay it!" is the mantra. "You should have thought about that before you had kids!" is another. Management prides itself on learning new ideas and technologies to get your money faster and more efficiently.

4. CS agencies are ALWAYS looking for "deadbeats." Guys kill me when they talk about moving to another country to escape CS or start anew outside the anglo-sphere! Most men are to timid to pick up and move. Besides, CS agencies share information world-wide. All English speaking and most Spanish countries share information that when you're located you'll pay up. The list of countries that have cooperative agreements to find you grows every year. If you ghost to Crap-istan you best make sure that you live underground as a fugitive. Because if your caught/arrested or are in trouble with the law in a foreign country you have to pay still. As more countries become feminized your chances of escape grow dim by the day. You'll likely be considered a CS dodger and then have to explain yourself to the magistrate of the new country that you reside in.

4a. Time for an exercise. Let's say you're a tradesman (plumber, carpenter, etc). It's highly likely you'll belong to a union or professional organization. CS agencies will contact these organizations by sending out "tentacles" to look for you if you go underground. If you're found to be working utilizing your skill in any legitimate manner you'll be found and taken in.

5. "Sir, would you like to make that payment over the phone." Agencies are now taking credit cards and money transfers over the phone to expedite your "donation" to a needy family even if that "needy" family is your own! I cannot overstate it enough. There are dedicated and highly motivated people who spend their day looking for your "I'll to move to Asia, find a sweet Min-Mei and go ghost" ass. These folks are looking to get "kudos" and awards from their supervisors for finding you and they take it very seriously.

6. Because CS agencies are linked to family law courts they have the power to suspend your professional licenses, drivers license, passports and any other official documentation that affects your means to work or travel. Yes, they can throw you in jail if need be but I was told most agencies limit the use of that because they found that when your in jail, your not paying CS! Imagine that! Lottery, sweepstakes, casino winnings, are all fair game to bringing your support current or to catch up on your arrears. The IRS will get you, they'll put a lien on your home or other large assets. You've been warned.

7. CS agencies make money. A LOT OF MONEY. It's a business, after all. Their business is YOUR WALLET! You see, a certain percentage (2-5%) of your monthly support is collected as a administrative fee. Let's get real here. This amount is a finders fee that goes back to the government. You pay this as part of your monthly support to HER. In reality, that money goes to your states general coffers. Many U.S. states are experiencing budget woes. Threats, furloughs and layoffs abound in these tough economic times. However, many CS agencies feel safe because they make money for the cash-strapped state. They are in essence the golden goose except you're the one laying the golden egg!

7a. Ah, yes! Arrears. This is when you get behind or decide to go ghost to Crapistan. Don't let it happen. Why? Compounding interest that's why! Many men are still paying CS long after their kid is grown! There are additional penaltie$ for having your account fall into arrears that you'll be required to pay to bring your account current. You've been warned!

8. The bitch. Guess what? No one cares who that bitch is. CS agencies don't do background checks on her to verify if she's a lying, cheating, skank whore. They don't care that she poked a hole in your condom or she lied and told you she took her birth control pill. They also don't care that you married the bitch in the first place. They don't care that you came home after working 10-12 hours to find her sucking your best friends dick in front of your kids. They don't even care that she's abusive to your kids. They are indifferent. All they and the family court know is that you have a penis. Your penis is a weapon. Your penis "fired" in her vagina and now you will have to pay reparations for not stowing it properly with the safety on.

8a. They don't care if you get to see your kids, EVER.

9. Imputed income. Of all the injustices in the world this is as close to slavery as they come. Simple wealth redistribution. Imputed income is the amount of money that you POTENTIALLY earn. Did you get that?

9a. Exercise time. Imagine you're a happy bachelor, footloose and carefree. Your attending college or plan on starting a business selling widgets. Then you hook up with cupcake and get her pregnant. She decides to keep the baby(naturally, you have no say because your a man). She realizes your "potential" and so does the family court and CS agencies. They compute your child support payments/potential based upon future earnings realized or not! Many men cannot retire or save because their potential earnings were taken into account at the time CS began. This is slavery. Pure and simple. Nowhere in western society can someone take your salary based upon your POTENTIAL and figure your current payment schedule based on future earnings.

10. Most of you already know this stuff or are already experiencing it firsthand. I wrote this for the fellas as a warning. You won't get cut any slack. Since this is my last point let me share with you something else. In an earlier point, I spoke about the economic times that we currently find ourselves. It was told in my agency that some time ago there were dozens of NCP's (mostly, if not all men) who went back to the court to press for leniency or a reduction of their child support burden. These guys more than likely got their hours cut or were laid off. After making their appeal to the judge, they were able to get the leniency they asked for. Later it was found that there was a glitch with our agency that was letting these guys "get away with not paying." So the attorneys in our agency went to work to close the loophole. They found it was some kind of software that they were using that was "ineffective." It's this program that allows the judge to see certain details of the NCP's case. The judge reviews this file to ascertain whether or not to grant a reduction in CS. After making some adjustments it's come to light that as of now the number of guys receiving leniency has trickled to less than 5. Problem solved. So out of hundreds of NCP's in a major metro area wanting a reduction less than 5 got what they asked for in this last YEAR. Think about that and realize those folks can't do anything but continue to pay the system even as they starve. Indifference.

I see no real solution to this mess in our lifetime. Having children is a liability and I personally always wanted kids too. One of the last conversations I had with my late wife was about having children. We both conceded that rebuilding our marriage would never work. I told her that when she left me my dreams of having children died too. I was resolute in telling her that I would not remarry again and since I believe in marriage first, then kids, I won't have children either.

The reality is your children are never really yours. Ultimately, they become pawns for the state and the bitch they claim to serve.


There's not much I can add to that. Have a good day...

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sussing Out Body Count


If anything belonged to the MGTOW Survival Guide, it's this post! I posted this on my regular blog, MarkyMark's Thoughts on Various Issues. As I did, it occured to me that this belongs here as well.

I left the below comment on a great YouTube channel, Real Girl World. RGW is by Hannah Jordan of Canada, and she's a FINE lady! She reminds us of what women can be; she shows us what women can and should aspire to. She's trying to warn modern women about what they're doing, and for that, she deserves our thanks; she's doing the Lord's work. She only has 229 subscribers, while it should be 2.29 MILLION! She's preaching a message that needs to be heard far and wide.

If you couldn't tell, I'm a fan of her channel. I've watched many of her videos. Four weeks ago, she posted a video entitled "Women Behaving Badly". In it, we have the now notorious "Hawk Tuah Girl", among others. In response to a guy's comment, I left the below comment in response to his. He said that he'd ask any woman he was dating about her body count, while I said that doing so may be a waste of time. I proceeded to tell him how I'd suss out a woman's body count if I were still dating. Below is my comment. I hope it helps someone.


Dude, the thing is that, if you straight up ask for her body count, she's going to lie about it. Deep down, women know that a high body count is nothing to brag about; otherwise, they wouldn't be all shameful and bashful when asked about it. Then again, if you're careful and quick to observe her initial, unfiltered reaction, asking a direct question about body count may be useful; while you may not get an honest number, you may get an idea of whether or not the number is high, which is what you're looking for.

If I were dating and wanting to find out this information, there are three things I could do. One is to check out her friends. A second tack one can take is to hint at shameful stuff you may have done in the past. Finally, just listen to her carefully. I'll explain...

Who are her friends? What do they say? How do they say it? What do they talk about? How do they talk about things? Are they a bunch of 304s? If so, then so is your woman; after all, we become what our companions are, which is why they should be chosen with great care. That's a lesson I learned the hard way when I was a kid.

The second thing one could do if your past could be better is this: hint at some of those episodes you'd like to forget, and see what she does. In my case, I'm a US Navy vet; yes, I was a sailor as a young man. I wanted to see the world, and Uncle Sam's Navy offered me a way to do it. Anyway, there were times when, shall we say, I acted less than virtuously? There were things I did that I NEVER told my late mother! Let me put it that way. I almost always behaved myself, and I normally followed my WWII Navy vet Grandfather's advice: I normally headed in the opposite direction most of the guys headed. They'd go hit the bars in port, while I'd go sightseeing via the local trains or buses. I used to enjoy taking the train from Piazza Garibaldi in Naples, Italy to the Herculaneum ruins or the black sand beach at Sorrento. However, there were a couple of episodes on that Med cruise I'd rather forget, and I'll leave it at that. Sorry, I digress...

Anyway, if I were on a date, I'd ask a girl about her college days, especially if I suspected 304 conduct during said college days. If she hinted at wild sorority parties, frat mixers, etc., I'd say something like, "Well, when I was in my early 20s, I was a sailor in the Navy; if you can imagine a sailor boy doing something, I probably did it." I'd say it with a somewhat embarrassed tone, because I would be. You can embellish things here too. The key is to let her know you won't be judgemental, so she'll open up enough to give you a good glimpse of the truth. While she may not tell you everything, she may tell you enough to get a good picture of who she is, so you can decide whether or not to pursue a relationship with her.

Finally, just LISTEN UP! God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason, and it's always good to be mindful of this. Again, this is a lesson I learned the hard way as a boy and a young man. Just sit there and listen to her talk. Listen to what she says, and how she says it. Ask good follow-up questions; make brief, pertinent comments; the key is to get her going and keep her going. As the old truism goes, women always tell on themselves. Give them long enough to talk, and they'll eventually tell on themselves.

For example, back in the dark days long before #MeToo, people could meet someone at work, and they often did. My brother and SIL met that way; he hired her at his company, BTW! This Labor Day Weekend, they'll celebrate their silver anniversary. There was a time you could meet someone at work, while not worrying about your career. Though I never got involved with someone at work, I was interested in a couple of women I worked with. You could quietly observe the person; you could watch and listen to her. Doing so helped me avoid a couple of train wrecks!

The same applies in school-at least it used to. In this post #MeToo era, if I were in college now, I don't know if I would date anyone from school. Anyway, in the past, if you went to school with someone, you could sit back, watch them, and learn about them.

In closing, directly asking a girl about her body count is a waste of time. NFW will she tell you the truth! In her heart of hearts, she knows a high body count is bad, so she'll play it down, lie about it, change the subject, etc. No, you must go into intelligence gathering mode, and learn as much as you can about her. On second thought, you could ask her directly, so as to catch her immediate reaction; that may give you an idea. What else can you do? One, look at who her friends are; if they're 304s, then so is she. Two, subtly encourage them to open up about their past; hint at possible seedy things you may have done to encourage her. Finally, LISTEN TO HER! If you allow women to talk long enough, they'll always tell on themselves. While you may never get an exact number, you'll get a good enough idea to make a decision about whether or not to get involved with her. Hope this helps...

Thursday, May 9, 2024

My MGTOW Story


Below is a comment I left for a YouTube video. Since it was too good to forget, I saved it for posterity. My comment is below.


Sir, as someone who was MGTOW before it had a name, I'll answer your question for you; I'll answer your objections and problems with MGTOW.

Many guys have seen friends, brothers, uncles, and/or fathers  who were falsely accused of SA or something. Many guys see the men they know go through a terrible divorce. Some, or maybe most, of these men were good guys, yet they got divorced for no good reason; i.e. they were "frivorced", or frivolously divorced. They rationally decided that, after what they'd seen men in their lives go through, that they don't want to go through it too.

Now, before I learned some lessons the hard way, I must say that, as a young man, I heard my share of horror stories. Back in my 20s, I had a CB radio in my car; many say that it was the original social media. Long before the Internet was a thing; long before social media existed; there was CB radio. Back in the mid 1970s and the 1980s, everyone, it seemed, had a CB either at home, in their car, or both.

I'd had one in my house when I was in high school. After I left home and joined the US Navy, I had one in my car. During local trips, weekend trips, and road trips home, I'd have it tuned to channel 19, which is where the truckers hang out. They swap info on traffic jams, where the cops were, etc. When none of that was going on, they'd talk about their lives and relationships. Even during the early-mid 1980s, I heard a TON OF DIVORCE HORROR STORIES! I heard countless truckers tell how their exes had taken them to the cleaners.

Back in those days, I also owned a classic, 1966 Chevy. When I was out and about, guys would often come up to me and talk to me about my car. The same thing happened on the CB; guys on the radio would see my car, and they'd want to talk to me about it. I had many nice conversations about my car; it helped me to get out of my shell, so to speak.

However, there was a common theme to many of these conversations; many of these conversations also dealt with the classic cars these guys had once owned. They'd tell me about the old Mustang, Camaro, Firebird, Challenger, etc. that they'd once owned. They then continued on to say that their wives didn't like their cars, and that their wives had made them get rid of them. I'd sometimes ask them why, but all they'd say is that, because I was single, I didn't understand.

Before I continue with how and why I started on my Red Pill journey, I told you all that to tell you this: as a young man, I knew enough to know that marriage was a huge decision; I knew that it could make or break me. Hence, I was cautious when it come to women, relationships, and marriage. However, I still had The Dream; I still believed the fantasy that, if I were careful and judicious, I could find my beloved; I could find my soul mate, and live happily ever after.

Now, it's time to get into my Red Pill journey; it's time to get into how I became MGTOW...

In my case, I was falsely accused of stalking and harassment. Now, to be fair, the gal I'd briefly dated had more red flags than a Communist parade, but I was falsely accused nonetheless. My case had two hearings: one for the restraining order, another for the criminal charges. Restraining orders are handled in family court, which also adjudicates divorces; criminal charges are heard in criminal court.

Family court was quite the EYE OPENER! I and my psychobitch were there all day, so I got to see a lot of cases ahead of ours. That black robed SOB favored the women ALL DAY LONG! I'll furnish one example. During the middle of the day, a divorcing couple's case came up. Part of it had involved a heated argument between the husband and wife. He threatened to burn the house down, while she pulled out a knife and threatened to kill him. Their children testified, and they corroborated all this; that is to say that these were incontrovertible facts. That black robed SOB admonished the husband for making terroristic threats, while saying nothing at all to the wife; he gave the wife a pass.

Why is that significant? One, the only certainty with arson is property damage; when the fire goes out, something will be destroyed. Depending on when the fire is lit, people may or may not be in the building; they may or may not be killed as a result of the fire. What we can be certain of is that, in this couple's case, the house would be damaged and/or destroyed. OTOH, the woman not only threatened to kill the husband; she pulled out a knife! She made the threat to kill him, and then she proceeded to brandish a weapon. Isn't the mere act of brandishing a lethal weapon a crime in many jurisdictions? Anyway, the judge gave her a pass, yet he chided the husband for making terroristic threats. That gives you an idea of the bias in family courts.

At the end of that day, my case finally came up; it was the last one of the day. My psychobitch proceeded to LIE HER ASS OFF; she lied about everything! She accused me of following her, driving by her house, etc. The truth of the matter is that she'd been doing all this to me; in fact, I caught her leaving my neighborhood one night. She followed me home from work. She did a lot of stuff. Years later, my neighbors told me that they'd seen a car identical to hers driving down our street. I wish I'd known this when my case was going on, but who knows if it would've made a difference?

What I was living through was like something out of the late 1980s movie, "Fatal Attraction"! I was truly worried that, at one point, I might find one of my cats in a pot of boiling water. Those who've seen the movie will understand the allusion immediately. Unfortunately, I never had fun with this woman; in fact, she'd rejected me. If we'd been intimate and she'd been a woman scorned, I could've understood my situation-at least to a point. However, she'd blown me off, which made her actions curious. Why do all this if you'd told me that you weren't interested? As I said, she was crazy.

So, you may be asking the logical question: WHY did I ever get involved with this woman in the first place? Because she was breathtakingly beautiful, that's why. How beautiful, you may ask? Let me put it this way: she looked like Carmen Elektra with a fair complexion. Need I say more?

Oh and BTW, those neighbors I just mentioned? One of their sons had been my age; we'd played together as kids. They told me that he'd gotten involved with a crazy woman as I had. Things for him had gotten so bad that he ended up taking his own life. After what I'd been through, I understand it. Why? Because I contemplated doing the same. Thankfully, I was too chicken to actually do it. Also, I didn't want to answer to God for taking my life, something that's only under His purview, and no one else's. That said, I totally get why Vic (not his real name) took his life.

Thankfully, for my criminal case, I had a scrupulously fair judge. Psychobitch didn't show up to the first hearing, so we had to go back again later. BTW, to give you an idea how SICK this woman was, she pulled in RIGHT BEHIND our car as we were leaving the hearing! I recognized the license plate. She tried to lie to the court clerk, saying that her notice had said 11, not 10, AM. The court clerk knew she was lying, but I still had to go back. She didn't show the second time either, so my criminal charges were dismissed with prejudice; that meant that they were dismissed for good.

After all of this went down, I went to work in the corporate world. I broke in working for temp agencies. That allowed me to see what the jobs were like, learn new skills, enhance old ones, and get paid for it. At one long term assignment at a client whose name you'd recognize, an old, post wall woman there didn't like me. To make a long story short, she falsely accused me of something, and she got me out. The company was about to offer me a job; that offer was withdrawn, obviously. However, the guy in charge liked my work, so he didn't say anything to my agency; he simply said my assignment had ended. Besides, the assignment had gone on months longer than expected, so that was that. A short time later, the agency got me another job with another big client who's a household name; I did well, was hired, and stayed there for a couple of years.

The thing is, Nate, that I'm not the only guy to whom this has happened. My story could be and has been repeated millions of times. Thankfully, most of us dodged bullets; most of us, even if we were arrested and charged, are no longer in jail. We got good scares; we saw enough to know that our lives could've been permanently ruined, which gave us pause. Thanks to the Internet and the Manosphere, we men can now swap stories about our experiences. It's amazing how SIMILAR they all are! It's amazing how many common threads these stories share. Anyway, many guys, including the younger guys, decide that, when it comes to women, relationships, and marriage, that the rewards aren't worth the risks. After a few nuclear rejections, bad relationships, and some false accusations, many guys, including the younger guys, decide enough's enough; they decide that, out of the two bad options, that one is worse than the other. They logically conclude that it's better, safer, quieter, and more peaceful to remain alone than it is to pursue a woman.

Finally, let me say this: I had my passport; I was a passport bro before that was a thing too. To make a long story short, I met a gal from Peru. I made numerous visits there, and I had every intention of marrying her and living the rest of my days there. I had more friends down there than I have up here, okay? Before pulling the trigger though, I lived with her for a few months; I did a long trial run to be sure. After all, moving down there would've entailed selling my house and everything I owned up here; that's a big deal. Anyway, to make a long story short, I'll just say that I saw things about my (now ex) GF's personality that I couldn't live with. I ended the relationship when I returned to the US August of 2018. I got a great cat out of the deal, so I have something positive to show for it. At my age (62 and early retired), I simply want to live whatever days I have left in peace and quiet. I'm not going to try again. As long as I outlive my cats, I don't care. The world's gone crazy, and I no longer have the desire to stay here. As Bob Grant used to say, it's sick and getting SICKER! How true it is...

Saturday, December 31, 2022

I'm Back-For Now...


I want to say hello again, and to announce that I'm back-at least for now, anyway. I took a hiatus because I was busy with other things, and I didn't have anything more to say. I just reopened my blog for public access-at least for now. How long I keep the blog open or even up at all, I don't know; I'm not making any promises. It is up for now. SO! If you want to copy and save any posts, get while the gettin' is good.

This is the companion blog to MarkyMark's Thoughts on Various Issues. I won't making regular posts here. I'll only post something that pertains to MGTOW making their way in this crazy world with as little difficulty and drama as possible. That's all I have for now. Welcome back, and happy new year!


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Six Reasons to Never Date Single Mothers


I was reading through the Don't Marry Archives when I found this gem you're about to read.  As always, I added my commentary free of charge... ;)


6 Reasons to NEVER date a Single Mother

Post by Older Bachelor on Dec 13, 2004, 7:40pm

Single mothers. Well, here are MY issues with them (This pertains to a woman who had a kid and never married, or divorced her husband because “She wasn’t happy”. If she had a good marriage and he died, there might be wiggle room, but I still wouldn’t date her).

1: She decided to have a kid without a husband. This demonstrates terrible, selfish values. It also shows that she thinks of men as sperm donors and child support payers, NOT husbands & fathers. What will happen if you knock her up? Get ready to pay up for a kid that you won’t get to be a real dad to.

That alone is bad enough!  At the very least, a single mom shows lack of good judgement; otherwise she wouldn't have had sex with a man with whom she was unwilling to have children.  They say that, unless you're willing to have CHILDREN with the person (after all, they are a byproduct of the sex act), then you should NOT have sex with the person.

2: In some states, you can be responsible for child support by just living with her. I don’t want to pay for kids that aren’t mine. Do you?

If you spend enough time with the kid and form a bond with him/her, the law may consider you a 'father figure', and therefore responsible for helping (i.e. pay de facto alimony) to 'raise' the kid.

3: False allegations of child abuse. It isn’t likely, but I don’t want to take that chance. Getting branded with a big “M” on your forehead (For Molester) will WRECK YOUR LIFE. It will never go away. Too big a risk.

What more can I add to that?

4: Relationship aren’t easy as it is. Add a minor child and it really complicates the issue. Do you want to deal with her kid(s) too? You won’t be their dad and they will know it. Their mom already fucked up their life by not having a dad for them, and is fucking it up more by bringing in “Revolving door boyfriends” into their life.

Man, isn't THAT the truth?!

5: Lots of single moms have financial problems. You will be obligated to help pay for sitters, food, braces, on and on. For children that aren’t yours. Get the credit card out!

I seldom get the credit card out for me; why in blazes would I get it out for some bitch and her womb turds-especially when said womb turds aren't even mine?!

6: There is NO reason to date one. Millions of women in this country are single with no kids, and in every age range. Go younger if you have to. Don’t waste your time with a woman that has PROVEN that she doesn’t want a husband for her and dad for her kids. Do you think she will change her mind for you? That she will forget her utter contempt for husbands and fathers just for you? Sure she will.
I run into single mothers once in a while, and when “I have a kid” is revealed, that’s the end of the conversation for me. I will be polite but I will still walk off, because I don’t want anything to do with them. And neither will any other smart man.

I don't know about this; this may be true, but I haven't seen many single, childless women my age or even close to it.  Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places?  I was a member of a couple of dating sites, and it seems as if the vast majority of women on there have kids.  Maybe that's why they're on dating sites in the first place?  I don't know.  All I do know is that, once you get past the early 20s women, that the vast majority of the ones I've met, seen, and know have kids.

Having said that, I agree that the smart man will NOT want to have anything to do with a single mom-not for a relationship anyway.  Perhaps a pump-n-dump or two are okay, but a relationship with a single mom is out of the question.


I thought that was good, necessary reading. My boys out there will encounter single motners; when they do, they need to know what to do-hit the 'Eject' button! This piece gives them sound reasons for doing so. Until next time...


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Signs Your Woman Is Cheating


As I was going through my old posts and backing them up, I accidentally clicked on a link which led me to this post, the one you're about to read.  It's a list of things women do if they're cheating.  This will also go into The MGTOW Survival Guide, as it's something men need to know.  Enjoy, Fellas...


If there is something a man cannot overcome in a relationship its humiliation. And indeed, why should he?

This is a message to announce that I am finally offering a public service to help men catch their cheating wife/girlfriend red handed.

I can no linger sit idly by and be indifferent to the cries of my clients and friends who are having their lives shredded by the humiliation of a cheating partner.

What was my tipping point? A client discovered that his 10 Yr old twins were not his. Imagine the anguish. The humiliation!

Not only is that humiliating; not only is the man a genetic dead end (fathering kids that are NOT his); he's legally on the HOOK for those children!  Even if the man went into court, showed the judge DNA tests proving the kids aren't his, he'd still be liable for child support.

And get this, in the past two months I’ve already helped 7 men catch their wives red handed!

Good on you, Mate!

Surveys show that most men can go through a divorce or even remain apparently happily married and never know their wife was sleeping with another man, and sometimes men.  The existence of any four of these signs means you have some cause for profound concern.

1. She has stories about cheating on a previous partner.
2. She cheated on someone else to be with you.
3. She brags about cheating.
4. She brags about being too smart to be caught.
5. She says you are boring.
6. She refuses to wear panties/underwear.
7. She has a boob job.
8. She has tattoos or body piercings underneath her clothes.
9. She uncharacteristically daydreams while playing with her hair for long periods of time.
10. She is obsessive about wearing form fitting clothes.
11. She flirts with other men.
12. She speaks with admiration about specific men at work.
13. She is repetitively disrespectful to you in private and public.
14. She leaves the room to take calls.
15. She hangs up on calls before answering the call.
16. She unfavorably compares you to other men.
17. She starts shaving body parts she never used to shave before.
18. She is shy about allowing you to see her nude.
19. She dresses sexually but shows no interest in sex with you.
20. She protests you going to the doctors alone with your children.
21. She is coming home late at night or not at all.
22. She packs toiletries when she goes out.
23. She is non-committal in telling you where she is going.
24. She is non-committal in telling you when she will be home.
25. She has great interest in knowing when you will be leaving town.
26. She goes to nightclubs and bars without you.
27. She dresses seductively everywhere she goes.
28. She smiles and laughs with other men but not with you.
29. She opens a new bank account.
30. She withdraws lots of cash and won’t say where it’s going.
31. She has no interest in talking about the future with you.
32. She asks to separate from you.
33. Other women that know her will not allow her near their husbands.
34. Drama with other men seems to follow her in every job.
35. She refuses to introduce you to her male or female friends.
36. You have a nagging feeling that something is terribly off.
37. She makes random speeches about how she would never cheat.
38. She does and says things to take away your power as a man.
39. She disrespects and belittles all men.
40. Your relationship is ALL about filling her needs.
41. Reminisces about previous sexual experiences.
42. Her self esteem is based on the approval of all men, not just one.
43. She has close emotional ties with other men.
44. Too much time at the gym.
45. She tells you not to ‘come’ inside her before a trip.
46. She is secretive and defensive.
47. She gets angry over the smallest of things.
48. Your gut tells you she is not loyal.
49. She is critical of women who are loyal to their man.
50. The passenger seat in the car is consistently changed.
51. Strange hairs on her clothing or in her car.
52. She always seems to have random scratches and bruises.
53. Sex toys show up that you have never known about.
54. Shuts the computer down when you walk in the room.
55. Lingerie shows up that you’ve never seen before.
56. She refuses to linger or cuddle after sex.
57. She does not allow you to get to know her.
58. She thinks nothing of humiliating you.
59. She is seduced by the forbidden and wrong in life.

None of these signs are proof by itself. That’s where I come in. I’ll give help you get the proof you need.

(For the full 411 of how women think and operate when cheating consider my latest book REAL MEN CAN READ WOMEN LIKE A BOOK @ Read the details on how to profile the ‘huntress’ cheater.)

My methods to help you know if you are being cheated on are extremely subtle, non-confrontational and indeed, the woman in your life need never know that you were suspicious or that I was involved. You won’t even need to leave your house.

In the end, if it is discovered that she is a cheat it will seem to her that she has been caught by coincidence, being none the wiser of what has been happening behind the scenes.

All the work we’ll do together is by phone/text/email and there are no costly or unnecessary private investigators required.

Within 30 days, you could know if your wife/girlfriend is loyal or if she is a cheat.

What is the cost of not knowing the truth?

For one of my clients the cost was raising some other man’s kids while believing they were his for 10 years!

If you are interested in this service for yourself or a friend, please send an email at

I am limited in how many men I can help so please reserve your spot asap.

In the meantime, register for my twitter account to get genius insights.

Thank you for your interest in this matter.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge in this matter!  This is good stuff to know.

Corey Donaldson
COPYRIGHT 2011 © Corey Donaldson


Hope this helps you out, Gentlemen...


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dealing with the Unthinkable...


In a previous post, I posted about and linked to the False Rape Society's classic on avoiding false rape accusations.  However, given the misandric laws and legal system, there's a good chance one of us will be wrongfully convicted, and will spend time behind bars for a crime we did NOT commit.  What do we do then?  This post answers that question; this post will help us deal with the unthinkable: going to prison...


How To Survive in Prison as an Innocent Man Convicted of a Sex Crime

James D. Anderson*

Psychology Editor's Note: This article includes some strong views that may be surprising and challenging. We have chosen to publish it because we believe prisoners have a right to seek interaction with those outside the prison walls. We also believe there are many innocent men and women in prison who are wrongly convicted of sex offenses. They too, have a right to stand up for their innocence. One of the more poignant episodes in our lives was in June, 1985, when Lois Bentz, accused with her husband, Robert, of sexually abusing children in Jordan, Minnesota, was told by her attorney about a very attractive plea bargain. With tears running down her face, Lois said to us, "I did not do it and I will not say I did something I didn't do." The Bentzes rejected the plea bargain and went to trial. The Bentzes were acquitted and the Jordan case is often regarded as the beginning of the "backlash" that has led to increased awareness of false accusations and the reversals of several highly publicized convictions in recent years.

Still there are many many lesser known cases where Large numbers of innocent people remain behind bars. We receive letters every week from men and women in prison who assert their innocence. For years we have agonized about what we can do in response. The most we have been able to do is to try to stay in contact and provide information to assist those working on appeals. Based upon our experience with Ms. Bentz, we have also tried to say what Mr. Anderson repeats several times in this article -- maintain your own personal integrity. Mr. Anderson tells us how he has done this for himself. It may not be a way that works for everyone, but this is what he tells us works for him. We believe Mr. Anderson is very likely to walk out of prison when his time is served and be standing up straight and tall.

Your only exposure to what prison is like has been through movies that sensationalize the violence, drug use, and sex in the big house. The prison bus you're on rounds a lonely highway corner and you get your first glimpse of what is to be your home for the next 10-odd years -- a steel, razor wire, and concrete house of pain. You wonder how you'll ever make it out of this hate factory alive. You imagine your first day being gang-raped by six huge, tattooed lifers, by the end of the week you're being sold up and down the tier for cigarettes, and within a month, you're found dead in your cell with a twelve-inch "shank" protruding from your chest. Not only are you the new fish in the cell block, but you have been convicted of a sex crime, and you've heard how convicted sex criminals are abused in the joint.

You're one of the thousands of innocent men wrongly convicted of sex crimes in the U.S. every year. Won't it matter to your fellow prisoners that you are not a sex criminal and are completely innocent? Not in the least. It is possible, though, to make it through prison even though you were convicted of a skin beef. You can not only live through the prison experience, you can claim some degree of victory at the end of your unjust prison term. Life will be neither easy nor fun for the innocent man convicted of a sex crime and sent to prison. But, surviving prison is not impossible.

I have spent over seven years in maximum-, medium-, and minimum security prisons after being wrongly convicted of first degree rape -- the result of my having been falsely accused of date rape by a mentally deranged woman with a history of falsely accusing men of sex crimes. I am writing this from the Oregon State Correctional Institution. Although life has not been easy for me in prison, I have managed to keep my self-respect, my dignity, and my integrity. I have spent months in solitary confinement for defending myself when necessary. I have allowed no prisoner, no prison guard, and no member of the parole board to disrespect me due to my wrongful conviction. I have consistently maintained my innocence, even when doing so has added years to my prison term.

I earned a college degree behind bars, and have even escaped from prison once. To help other innocent prisoners, I founded the Society Against False Accusations of Rape (SAFAR), and for five years have published the underground prison publication, The SAFAR Newsletter. Currently, I'm working on my book, Falling on the Deaf Ear: False Accusations of Rape, Child Abuse Hoaxes, Innocent People in Prison and How to End the Sex Crime Witchhunt. I know first-hand what it is to be an innocent man in prison, wrongly convicted of a sex crime, and I know how to survive the prison experience.

Now that you have been falsely accused of rape or child abuse, been convicted in record time, lost all your assets along with your reputation, and been sentenced to 10 years in prison by a judge who couldn't care less that you are innocent, you would think your troubles are over. Think again. You not only have to make it out of the prison with your life and sanity, but with your self-respect, honor, and integrity intact. Let's face it. After being wrongly convicted of a sex crime, your sanity, self-respect, honor, and integrity is all you have left. Prison will not break you if you are a man -- or learn to become a man, even though the main goal of prison officials is to sap the soul from men, and spit out castrated, submissive males. With all the odds against you, it is even possible to walk out of prison a better man with your head held high. Again, it will be neither fun nor easy, but what battle ever is easy? You can either walk out of prison with your manhood intact knowing you beat the corrupt prison industry or you can crawl out on your belly as a hated sex offender.

Outside Contacts

Don't fool yourself that the community will be outraged that you were convicted and sent to prison for a crime you didn't commit or that may have never even occurred. You are now a convicted sex offender and your innocence means nothing. You're the lowest of the low, in and out of prison. There will be no mass protests at the prison gates demanding your release.

Most people believe the propaganda of the sex crime witch hunters and probably feel you should die in prison. Most of your friends will abandon you and even some members of your family will turn their backs on you. Only your very best friends and your immediate family will stick by your side at first and most of them will fall by the wayside in the coming years as you rot in prison.

One of the most important things for the innocent man in prison is to maintain contact with at least one person on the outside. This person can help you try to prove your innocence and keep you current on what's happening outside the prison walls. If you can maintain contact with at least one free worlder to help you, you'll be doing a lot better than some prisoners. Many prisoners lose their friends and their own families and are isolated in prison with no contact with the outside world. You are going to be walking into prison alone and will be alone while you do your time. You need at least one ally in the outside to help free yourself from the nightmare of being thrown in a cage and given the scarlet letter of a convicted sex offender for a crime you did not commit.

Prison violence

For the most part, prisons and correctional institutions are not the hell holes of years past. The "get tough on crime" craze has mutated into "get tough on prisoners." Although prisons are not for continued and endless punishment, politicians don't want to educate or rehabilitate prisoners. Prisoners are to be warehoused like the commodities they've become. College courses and vocational training in prison are a thing of the past. With all the new prisons being built in the U.S., doing time has become quite sterile -- even safe -- because all the new prisons are so controlled and high-tech that prisoners now spend most of their time in their cells.

The idea that prisoners really run the joint is a myth. Some of the older prisons are still dangerous, but these are slowly being phased out. It used to be that only the worst, most dangerous, and most hardened criminal was sent to prison. It was no wonder that penitentiaries were dangerous. But these days, with so many first-time offenders doing mandatory prison terms and so many people being sent to prison, the nation's lock-ups have become diluted with nonviolent prisoners. Today most prisons can even be considered safe.

In all my years behind bars, I've never seen a murder, a stabbing, or a rape. I believe some prisoners try to brag how tough prison is to make themselves look tough. They romanticize their prison experience by telling their friends and family how brutal prison was and how they had to fight for their lives every day. Prison, however, may be harder for the innocent man convicted of a sex crime because of the scorn. In the old days, a convicted sex offender -- innocent or guilty -- was sure to get physically attacked. Today, that is not the case. A man wrongly convicted of a sex crime can make it out of prison unharmed if he stays on his toes and keeps alert.

What about all the violence you read about what goes on in prison? Of course, violence does happen in U.S. penitentiaries, but with over 1.6 million Americans locked up these days, the chance of being one of the few hundred inmates who are killed or seriously injured is slim.

Standing Up for Yourself

Because you were convicted of a sex crime, you will not be winning any popularity contests with your fellow prisoners. At first, the other prisoners may mark you to be victimized and harassed. If you don't stand tall and fight back, you'll be victimized your entire prison term. You must stand up for yourself when you are tested by some idiot who thinks you're a rape-o, "Chester," "tree jumper," or "freak." In 1989, I was compelled to beat a man who attacked me with a folding chair. Besides a little blood, neither one of us was hurt badly. I did accidentally break a guard's hand in the melee and I've also had to fight a couple of other morons who disrespected me, but I haven't had any trouble in years. It is well worth it to spend a few months in solitary confinement for defending yourself when the option is being harassed continually in general population. Another option is hiding for years in Protective Custody (PC), totally separated from the rest of the prison, and locked in a cell for 24-hours a day. But only the weakest prisoners go PC, and I don't recommend it.

For the most part, even for the wrongly convicted sex offender, if you don't owe debts from gambling or drugs, and if you stay away from the homosexuals, keep your head down, don't bother anyone, and don't act like a wimp and whine about your wrongful conviction, you won't have to worry about prison violence. There is very little chance that you will be killed or even stabbed. But, if something does happen and you need to defend your good name, be a man and do it. In prison, your good name is all you have. If trouble comes your way in prison, you have to deal with it on the spot. Where are you going to run? You're in a cage.

Inmates and Convicts

During my years in prison I have found that there are two types of prisoners -- inmates and convicts. Inmates will not fight if their lives depend on it and they will kiss any ass that comes their way. Inmates are the type of prisoners who go on national TV to praise prison officials and prison programs for straightening out their miserable lives. The inmate has no loyalty to anything or anyone except himself. Inmates will do anything to please their captors and cheerfully inform and rat on other prisoners for breaking prison rules. Inmates are not men.

Be aware that you can't always tell an inmate worm by his cover. The biggest, baddest killer on the tier can be the biggest, snitch rat in the joint. On the other hand, convicts used to be very common in U.S. prisons, but are now a dying breed. A true convict would never rat on anyone, would take no disrespect, would fight when necessary and would be loyal and live by a code of honor. Unlike an inmate, a convict is a man.

A convicted sex offender will never be considered a true convict by other prisoners, but you can live by your own code of honor in prison. Never whine or complain about your wrongful conviction; sniveling will only make you appear weak and make you a target. Other prisoners don't care about your innocence. The prison hierarchy has you at the bottom of the prison barrel. Your jacket is that of a sex offender but it's up to you if you wear this degrading jacket. You will find that the only prisoners who hang around the sex offender are other wide-eyed, scared, spineless sex offenders. Even though prison is going to be very lonely for the innocent man convicted of a sex crime, you don't want to befriend confessed sex offenders. Also, stay away from the prison chapel. For some strange reason, confessed sex offenders always find God in prison and carry their Bibles for all to see to show how repentant they are. In short, even though no one convicted of a sex beef can be a true convict, you must strive to be one.

Talking About Your Conviction

You may think that if you don't tell any of your fellow prisoners you were convicted of a sexual offense that no one will be the wiser and you won't be harassed. You may think that you can tell people you're a bank robber and even be a hero in prison. Nice try, but lying about what you were convicted of will not work. There are no secrets in prison, especially on why you are there. You're in prison now, and any possibility of privacy or keeping secrets is long gone. Be honest when talking about your wrongful conviction and get ready to defend yourself if it becomes necessary.

All of the convicted sex offenders (innocent or guilty) whom I've heard tell other prisoners that they were burglars or robbers in an effort to hide their convictions were eventually exposed. If you lie about your conviction, you will be exposed. Then, any attempts to claim innocence will not be believed and your prison time may get very tough. Don't advertise your wrongful conviction, or the facts of your supposed crime, but when asked why you're in prison, be honest.

Although a convicted sex offender can never gain full respect in prison, I've managed to gain some measure of respect by being truthful about why I am in prison, and fighting when necessary. Sure, some punk may call me a "rape-o" behind my back, but no prisoner ever disrespects me face to face. With so many innocent men being sent to prison these days on false accusations of rape and child abuse, the general prison population is starting to understand how widespread the sex crime witchhunt has become, and how many innocent men are now in prison due to false allegations. False reports of rape and other sex crimes are so common that an innocent man wrongfully convicted of a sex crime will not be alone.

Prison Guards

The men and women who hold the key to your freedom (the prison guards) should be considered your enemy. There is a reason that surveys on job status and job satisfaction often rate being a prison guard as the lowest job a person can hold. No one respects prison guards, and they know it. What kind of man or woman would want to examine body openings for contraband, turn keys, and stand around and do nothing for a living? Prison guards hate their jobs and blame prisoners for their unhappy and unfulfilled lives. It takes no ambition, no talent, no drive, or any creativity to be a corrections officer. Even police officers know this, and look down on the lowly prison guard. Think about it. Does any kid have dreams of being a corrections officer when he or she grows up?

The Golden Rule to remember not only about prison guards, but about anyone that works inside the prison in which you are held captive, is to stay as far away from them as possible and avoid even talking to them unnecessarily. Even if you happen to run across a prison guard who appears to be halfway human, don't befriend him. Every inmate whom I've seen develop any type of friendship with any prison employee was, in the end, betrayed and shunned by other prisoners. Don't collaborate with anyone other than fellow prisoners while in prison. Every prison official or staff member is your enemy. Never forget that. They will gladly shoot you in the back if they feel the need. Don't make eye contact with the people who work at the prison because if you avoid eye contact they will leave you alone. The less contact you have with prison employees, the better off you will be.

In all my years in prison, I've observed hundreds of prison guards and only a couple could be considered normal. The typical male guard I have encountered is not someone you would consider a winner. He is usually a skinny geek (or is extremely overweight), is undereducated, has no ambition and is sadistic. His idea of success is a monthly state paycheck, a trailer home, a 12-pack of beer, and nightly TV. The typical female prison guard is homosexual, physically unattractive, overweight, and more masculine than most male prison guards. She's mad at the world for not being born a man and she takes her penis envy out on prisoners.

I fully admit my dislike for prison guards because I am convinced that every prison guard in the U.S. has witnessed, encouraged, and/or participated in the torture or murder of prisoners. Prison guards are cowards with a badge who are protected by the state and prison guard unions. Your only allies in prison are other prisoners. Never forget it.

Keeping Fit

One of the most important things to do while doing your prison time is to keep in the very best physical shape possible. Every prison has a weight room, and I strongly suggest pumping iron. Being in top shape not only feels good, but it's good for your head and will help you think more clearly. By working out, running, exercising, and eating as well as possible, you will be physically able to defend yourself in case of any violent situations. You will also be able to think straight to combat your unjust conviction. All the guys whom I've seen go insane in prison did not care about their health. They rotted in front of a TV for years until they were just a shell of a man. At age thirty-five, I am now in the best shape of my life and feel great.

Another reason to stay healthy in prison is that medical services are notoriously horrid. One of my worst prison experiences was when our prison doctor told me that blood tests indicated that I had liver cancer. He smiled gleefully as he told me I had only a year to live. I tried to learn more, but he refused to answer my questions and ordered me out of his office. For months I thought I was going to leave this mad house on a slab. I learned later that my blood test indicated only that I had been exposed to hepatitis in the past. The good prison doctor told me I was dying for his own sick amusement.

Dental services are just as bad in prison. I'm currently waiting to have a back molar filled. I cracked my tooth on a rock in some chili in the chow hall. I've been on the waiting list to see the dentist for over six months now, and will probably lose the tooth due to neglect. There is nothing I can do about it.

While in prison, stay in shape, work out, run, and try to eat well -- even though that's nearly impossible with the garbage that passes for food in prison. But, although you may get depressed, lonely, and frustrated in prison, never go to the prison psychologist. Prison shrinks only want to drug prisoners into submission. One of the newest fads in corrections is tranquilizers that are given out like candy to pacify and control inmates. What better way to turn prisoners into submissive zombies than by medicating them for depression and anxiety. Don't fall into the medication trap in prison. You need to be clear-headed while doing time, not in a drugged-out haze.

When you go to prison, settle down and find a positive routine. After the shock of prison wears off, and the other prisoners figure out you will defend yourself, you'll be left alone to do your time. Don't sit around vegetating in front of a TV, playing cards or reading westerns. Don't waste your time complaining about your wrongful conviction and what a poor victim you are. Don't turn into what I call a "prison zombie" who does his time like he's waiting to die. Your main mission in prison will be trying to get your unjust conviction overturned. Learn as much about the law and the corrupt legal system as you can. Get to know the prisoner law clerks in the law library, and spend as much time in the library as possible. Study every aspect of your case, and stay on top of your attorney. Your lawyer is not the one in prison, you are. The appeals process takes years. Prisoners rarely win a new trial because the criminal justice system is not about truth and justice, but you can't win if you don't try. Fighting the legal system will be frustrating and depressing, but try not to give up hope.

Not only do we prisoners have to stick together, but we men must also join forces in our fight against feminism. Become a soldier in the Men's Rights Fight. Contact the antifeminist, pro-family men's groups in your area, as well as some of the national groups.

Sex Offender Treatment

One of the most profitable scams in the prison behavioral modification business is the sex-offender treatment industry. Because you were convicted of a sex offense, you are now fuel for the sex-offender treatment profiteers. You will be expected to confess to your crime, end all appeals for a fair trial, dismiss all delusions of innocence, and participate in sex-offender treatment along with admitted child molesters and serial rapists. Confession is the main tenet of sex-offender treatment. It does not matter to prison officials that you have always maintained your innocence and are in the process of appeal.

Thousands of people work in the sex-offender treatment industry and to justify their high-paying state jobs you must confess to your offense. You are the meal ticket not only of prison guards but also sex-offender treatment providers. As a wrongly convicted prisoner, you should have nothing to do with sex-offender treatment. Be a man, and stand up for what is right. There will be repercussions for you for not confessing and becoming another admitted sex offender. You will be denied any good-time off your prison term and early parole will be out of the question. I have always refused to even speak to sex-offender treatment counselors. Not only have I been denied any time off my sentence for good behavior, but the Oregon Parole Board has labeled me mentally unfit and dangerous to society because I refuse to confess, show remorse, and beg for forgiveness.

Not only should you avoid sex-offender treatment, but I suggest you refuse to participate in any behavior modification programs in prison. Don't admit anything to prison officials or prison counselors. Those who work in the behavior modification industry behind prison walls will use anything you tell them against you. Tell them nothing about your past. Prison counselors are not your friends.

Never talk to any prison psychologist. There is no faster way to be labeled mentally and emotionally unfit than to trust a prison psychologist. As a convicted sex offender, innocent or not, you are the bread and butter of the sex-offender treatment industry, prison counselors/psychologists, and prison guards. The only way they can justify their jobs is to keep you in their prison programs as long as possible. Be aware of their true motives, don't trust them, tell them nothing, and never doubt yourself. You owe them nothing.


Hopefully, none of us will ever need this information, but you never know.  In this PC, misandric world, a man can go to prison on little more than the woman's say-so; if a woman points the finger in your direction, you could go to prison.  Having a plan for dealing with the unthinkable will leave us all better prepared should it happen to us...
